Angličtina, aneb vracíme se do práce

5. říj 2013

Ahoj holky, pokud máte obdobný problém jako já, hledáte práci a rády byste se naučily anglicky, nebo si osvěžili angličtinu, alespoň co se týče písemného projevu, budu ráda když si zde budeme psát. Pište v angličtině o čemkoliv. O děckách, o koníčcích o práci. Budu ráda, když se zde objeví i nějaká angličtinářka, co anglicky umí hodně dobře a nás ostatní opraví v gramatice. Angličtinu chtějí dneska opravdu všude a všechny asi potřebujete, nebo budete potřebovat po mateřské sehnat práci. Berte to jako procvičování zábavnou formou. Good luck 😉

5. říj 2013

My name is Paula. I am twenty-for years old. I am from Boskovice city. I like his husband and his dog. I am search word now. I have don´t childrens, but I want any.

PS: Vůbec nevím, jestli to mám dobře, ale nějak se začít musí. Mám malou slovní zásobu, takže tady si ji snad rozšířím. A gramatiku budu konzultovat s knížkou 😀

5. říj 2013

@uztotakbude Hi, my name is Lucie. i am 35 years old. I have two small children - son and daughter. I like reading books, especially detective novels by Agatha Christie.

5. říj 2013

Hi, my name is Kamila, I have one beautiful little girl named Sara. I´m a soldier on maternity leave and I like sports, workouting and my new addiction is running 🙂 . I know I do some mistakes in english sentences, but I don´t care 😀

5. říj 2013

@camelinka May I ask you what workouting means? Is it something like walking?

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa Hey, I meant workout, sorry 😉 , something like Jillian Michaels does, pushups, squats etc, you know 😉

5. říj 2013

Hi, I am Tereza, I am 24 years old. I am expecting twins. Probably they will be girls. They should be born at march. I like reading books as well as llluckaa. My favourite writers are for example Sandra Brown, Joy Fielding, Freya North or Lenka Lanczová 🙂

5. říj 2013

I believe I can help 🙂 My name is Zuzana, I'm 28 and I'm 6 weeks pregnant with the first baby. I love my dog, travelling and shopping. I also like reading books and running.

5. říj 2013

Hi I´m Adela. 30 yrs old... If you need any help do not hesitate to contact me. I teach English as a part time job 😉

5. říj 2013

@camelinka Yes, I know but especially Jillian Michaels I hate 😀 I prefer Hana Kynychová 😉

I wanted to write "aha" but i can not remember what this is called in Englisch 😀 Is there anybody to help me? 😉

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa aha can be translated as "I see"

5. říj 2013

Hi, my name is Lucie and I am 27 years old. I am married for one year and now we waiting for first baby. It will be born in november, but we don´t know it will be boy or girl 🙂 Here, I would like practice mainly english vocabulary with you. Thanks for this discussion ;)

5. říj 2013

@zereta And what do this writers write about? I think Lenka Lanczová writes about love, does not she?

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa Really? Why? 😀 This has been the first "home workout" which I enjoyed 🙂 and I lost one dress size per month, so she´s my hero 😀 .
And "aha" is "I see" 😉

5. říj 2013

@dora13 Yes, of course. Thank you.

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa you're welcome 🙂

5. říj 2013

@uztotakbude Hi I met you in many discussions here, I think, you´re very talkative woman 😉

5. říj 2013

@camelinka I have tried her workout only once. It is bad for my knees, ankles and back, they have hurt me very much 😝

5. říj 2013

Hi, my name is Lucka and I am 27 years old too ( @novynka ), I have one son, his name is Filip and he is 10 mounths old. Today I did my study plan for learning english and this group is super for me and my bad knowledges. Can I be here with you?

5. říj 2013

I have one question - how give this group to my favorite groups? Thanks -)

5. říj 2013

What are you having for lunch, girls? 🙂 I am having potatoes, eggs, brocoli and cheese.

5. říj 2013

Hi there, I´m Petra. I haven´t got any kids yet. I´m an English teacher at primary school. What do you think about little ones learning English? When would you like your children start learning English?

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa I understand very well, I was completely in pain first week 😝 😀 but I bought Colafit and everything is ok, it´s a miracle for my knees! But it´s very long time, when I practiced it last time, Now, I started to play rugby and running and it´s enough for me 😀

5. říj 2013

@audi1986 click on "I Like it" 😉

5. říj 2013

@pindruscha Hi, I think the smaller children are, the better they learn a foreign language 🙂

5. říj 2013

There are the best websites for learning english which I know:
You can listen to a lot of texts and it is speaking very slowly so it is very good for learning.

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa Sandra Brown and Joy Fielding write novels for women and I especially like their books where is some detective storyline. Yes, Lenka Lanczová writes lovestories for teenage girls. I used to read her books when I was fourteen - fifteen and now It reminds me those times 🙂

5. říj 2013

@llluckaaa We have schnitzel and potato salad and I have just a full mouth 😀

5. říj 2013

@pindruscha Hi I think that is better first learn maternity language and than (for example for 5 years or 6 years) english.

5. říj 2013

@camelinka Thanks -))

5. říj 2013

@audi1986 You´re welcome 😉